Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Strong, Independent Woman... right?

I like to consider myself a very strong, independent woman. I like the freedom of being able to pick up and go whenever I want. I like having no one to answer to and no one telling me I shouldn't or can't do something. This has opened a lot of doors for me. Traveling the world, seeing things most can never imagine, meeting new people...

But sometimes, I really wish I had someone to share these adventures with. Someone with that same sense of life. Occasionally, I've had people along for the ride and it has been AWESOME and other times, it makes you realize that just because you're great friends, doesn't mean you were meant to travel together. It's a very fine line.

The first time I traveled, I went with one of my best friends. It was 1999 and we were backpacking Europe for 2 months. I clearly remember getting on that plane and being scared to death about what the next 2 months were going to hold. I cried as I said my goodbyes, I was so nervous that I almost threw up. Marna and Scott seemed to be holding together much better. When we stepped off that plane in Rome, I thought I was going to pass out. The airport was packed, people were rushing me all over, speaking jibber-jabber, drug dogs sniffed my bags. I had zero confidence that I was going to survive this adventure.

7 weeks into the trip, we decided to part ways and go on our own. I only last 2 days on my own. I re-booked my flight and headed back Portland. Looking back on that whole trip, I never ventured outside my comfort zone. I was super shy, closed off, judgmental. Can you imagine me SHY?!?!? Tis true. In fact, I don't think I really got comfortable with myself and meeting new people until I hit 30. This person that most of you know today, is a product of a LOT of trial and error.

So fast forward to 2009 and this is what I do now. I travel alone, I do my thing, I see the world. Now, its almost expected by my friends and family that I go it alone. If no one wants to come, then I'll still go. But I feel like there's something missing. I want to see something awesome and turn to someone and say "Did you see that?!?!". I want to experience the beauty of the world with someone by my side.

Anyway, this weekend I took my motorcycle down Hwy 101 and just cruised. I saw some really cool stuff, but when I turned to say "THIS IS SO COOL!!!", it was just me... Is this the worse thing in the world? Of course not. But it does make me reconsider what I'm doing and why... Until I figure that I out, I keep moving forward, adventuring and staying busy with or without a buddy.