Friday, May 29, 2009

I teach, therefore I am.

A couple months ago, I started applying for teaching jobs in AZ. And so far, I've gotten ONE, count that ONE call back. The job market in the Phoenix area sucks. They just laid off like 400 teachers and this is the time I pick to move. Not one of my best moves, but I can't wait any longer. I don't think I can survive another Portland winter... 32 years of it is enough (I didn't move to Portland until I was 2 1/2)

Before I started teaching, work was never that important to me. I mean, I worked, don't get me wrong, I just didn't really care where. I worked to play. That's about all it was to me. But now, its a whole different game. I love my job. I love being at the high school and I actually wake up every day, excited to go to work. And the thing is, I'm good at it. I get to teach about social injustice and current events and inequality and human rights and all that good stuff. My kids walk away from my class in June wanting to do more to help those who can't help themselves. They start the year, afraid to say what they think, and they end the year confident in their opinions and proud to take a stand.

So, I had a phone interview yesterday for a math position at an alternative school in Tempe. I would be perfect for this job. Granted, its math, something I don't LOVE teaching, but I am good at it. I know how to teach to kids with behavior issues, the "bad" kids, the slower kids. For some reason, those are the ones that love me the most. Could be that they see a little of themselves in me, I don't know.

Having worked in the career consulting field before, I know that a phone interview sucks. The principal wasn't available for the interview (he was "behind" with work), so the Math Dept. head interviewed me. And I was the last one they interviewed - also not a good sign. Oh, and I haven't taught math since my student teaching. Yeah, all these point to a low probability of me actually getting the job.

BUT, I am a great interviewer and I think I nailed all the questions she had for me. If I don't get this job, I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm still moving, but I'll be leaving a great job, in a school where I have so much freedom and am loved by students and staff...

So, keep your fingers crossed, send out good energy and let's hope the stars align... the idea of not teaching just kills me.