Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away

I doubt the rain will go away.... so I will. I've been contemplating a move for a few years now and I think now is the time to make it happen. I love the Pacific Northwest. Oregon has been my home for over 30 years. BUT, its driving me nuts - literally. I'm not sure if I can handle one more Oregon fall/winter/spring. You can't even separate the seasons, because what it boils down to is, 9 months of gloomy, grey, rainy, cloudy sadness. I'm over it!

I think its time for me to pack up my things and head south for the winter... and summer and spring and fall. I just need to find a job (yes, small detail). But, the question is, do I still move if no one hires me? That's my biggest hang up right now. I love my job in Portland. Its about as perfect as they come. I teach my favorite subjects, my kids love, my administration loves me and the pay is pretty darn good (for teaching, that is). I'm also torn because I'll be leaving all my friends and family for the great unknown. The great this is, I have some amazing friends in Arizona (like my long distance bff, Suda - I heart you!) and with as much as I go down there, its actually starting to feel like home.

So, if you live in Arizona and you know anyone looking for a high school social studies teacher - okay, fine, I'll teach math too (begrudgingly)... send 'em my way!



The Chaser said...

Move. Just in time for some waterfall canyoneering. Welcome to AZ!!

Tone Fooji said...

I can't wait!!!