Monday, April 27, 2009

V.I.P. for life

It's my favorite thing to say when people ask how I'm doing...

"Life is good."

I have some of the best luck in the world. I attribute most of it to the idea that good things happen to good people. Sometimes I'm shocked at how well things always seem to work out for me. And I think some of it also has to do with the people I surround myself with. I have the most wonderful people in my life - some old friends, some new friends, some that have been in my life since I was a kid and some that I knew right away they'd be in my life forever. I'm a firm believer that if you surround yourself with good people, good things will happen for you.

I often think about something my neighbor said to my family when I was about 13 years old... he was Native American and had blessed my family with a spirit to watch over us and take care of us. He said that we had great energy as a family and we deserved to have someone protect us. I honestly believe this is true. And I do believe in karma. Be a good person, smile at everyone, be compassionate and life will be good.

A re-cap of my weekend:

Thursday night, around 10:00 pm or so, Suda tells me that tickets the McDowell Mountain Music Festival - which we had been planning on going to for months - were now $55. We went back and forth and in the end, decided that we may not go to the show. I would still come to Phoenix, just for some sun and hanging out with my long distance bff. Around 10:30 that night, I couldn't sleep and was playing on Facebook when up popped this status update from MMMF "First person to respond to this wins 2 VIP passes for Friday night". I comment back "ME!". Low and behold, I had won 2 VIP tickets for Suda and I. Just like that, we were going to the show and not just going, but going VIP style! Free food, beverages, t-shirts, private deck, etc... This is how things work out for me.

So, Friday was spent partying like a rockstar with Suda, Mocha and Andrea. Saturday was spent laying around watching the PCRFU DII Men's playoffs with Suda, Kelly, Chelsea, Jersey, Rosey, Rudy and most of the Portland Pigs. Sunday was spent playing rugby for the Lady Blues, then hanging out with Jack, Dingo and Kessans. I left Sunday night with a huge smile on face (albeit, super sore from hooking), looking forward to my next trip back and just thinking how much I love my life.

Its not like I won the lottery or something, but its these little things that happen all the time that make my life so much more exciting. Whether its winning free tickets to a concert or house sitting in paradise or someone giving me an airline ticket so I can have an epic weekend with a great friend. It just seems to work out. And I don't take things for granted. I appreciate every little thing that happens in my life and I know that as long as I continue to be a good person, my life will be as good as I want it to be.

So... how's life? LIFE IS GOOD.

Pics from the weekend are here: McDowell Mountain Music Fest


Anonymous said...

This is my favorite blog entry to date. I agree with everything you said about "karma" and " good things happen to good people" What an uplifting entry. Thanks Tita!!!