Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Can you go back?

I want to go back to Yelapa. But, I want Bryce and Marty and Bryn and Jon to all be there. I want those jam sessions that lasted til the sun came up, and swimming at 2 in the morning and kayaking across the bay to Casa Isabel and hikes up the waterfall. I want to adventure down on the back of that motorcycle, with nothing to do but enjoy the road ahead… I want to drink until the sun goes down and get back on the road before the sun comes back up. I want to walk along the beach with a giant Styrofoam cup full of Sangria watching the waves crash on the beach. But I know it’ll never be like that again. Once you leave, you can never go back…

I want to go back to that cold winter day in February, when I stepped of the plane and knew that THIS is how happy I should always be. To feel so incredibly safe that it seemed like you could take on the world as long as you had each other. To believe, for the first time in so long, that I was the most important thing to someone. To wake up smiling because real life was better than your dreams. But, like those SCUBA diving adventures, it can’t last forever. That feeling can be taken away in the blink of an eye... and once you leave, you can never go back.

Life is supposed to be about enjoying the moment as its happening. Soak it up and take it in as much as you can, because you never know how long it’s going to last. Stop assuming you have forever. You have to think that THIS ONE MOMENT may be your last so breathe it in, remember the touch, the emotions, the taste… If you live your life for today and have no expectations about tomorrow, you won’t get disappointed. You have to able to walk away with the memories, hold on to that feeling deep in your heart and be okay with letting go. No expectations – no disappointments.

I know I’m lucky to even have been able to experience these things even once in my life. I have some of the greatest memories… and it’s these memories that carry you through the tough times. The times when all you can do is look at pictures to find that smile you thought you lost. They’ll get you through the moments when all you want to do hold on and never let go…when all you can do is think about the possibilities…

You cannot quit me so quickly
There's no hope in you for me
No corner you could squeeze me
But I got all the time for you, love