Monday, August 10, 2009

One Week At A Time...

One week at a time... one day at a time. Keep in mind that, while reflection is good, dwelling just keeps you down. Being strong enough to not look back. And remember that every day, it gets easier and easier.

There's a lot of things I'm taking one week at a time...

Yesterday was my 1 month anniversary of living in Arizona. It doesn't still quite feel like I live here. I have spent so much time on-the-go for the past 2-3 years, that I haven't really let myself settle down and get comfortable. So, the idea of anything permanent in my life is really just a foreign idea. Its weird because 5 years ago I was completely settled, I had roots, I had patterns. But, life was turned upside down and now I'm trying to find a nice happy medium.

Then there's my job - I'm still working ridiculously long days and still feel like I'm just barely keeping my head above water. It's like I'm back to my first year teaching again, and that's not fun. The good thing is, I love my job, love my kids and have a great group of co-workers who are quickly becoming friends.

And for those of you who don't know, I recently took on a coaching position with the Lady Blues. The first week went pretty good... well, at least I think so -- the jury's still out on what the Lady Blues think of me. But just like that, I'm back to the Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday grind.

When you couple the coaching with the 13+ hour days, its leaving very little time for that damn Half Ironman training I'm supposed to be doing. Which really sucks too. I actually thought I was going to stick to my guns and do it... but sometimes life really does get in the way. I'm just going to have to suck it up and do it. No more whining about not having enough time.

On a side note - last weekend I went to Fossil Creek and hiked, camped and swam. It was really beautiful. A lot like Havasupai (one of my top 5 all time favorite hikes) - except its totally accessible by everyone.... EVERYONE. I'm of the opinion that things as beautiful and amazing as this should difficult to get to. You should have to work at it, which makes you appreciate it so much more. But, that's for another blog. It was a fun weekend with some new friends and I hope to be able to do more with them.