Monday, August 24, 2009


A few weeks ago, I put together a new playlist. Its got a bunch of songs that are meant to remind me to stand up straight, carry my own weight cuz tears are going nowhere baby... that I am strong enough... that I should've known you'd bring me heartache, almost lovers always do... that near to you, I am healing... and that this is one life, you got to do what you should. Music heals my soul. I send music to those I love and those I care about. If I've ever sent you a song or played something for you from my ipod, its because you're important to me. The music is meant to inspire or to take you back to a special place.

And right now, the song of my life is by the String Cheese Incident --"Good Times Around the Bend". The chorus goes something like "Sometimes it seems like such a hard life, but there's good times around the bend.... The Rollercoaster's got to roll to the bottom if you want to climb to the top again" (this is, of course, is set to some awesome banjo-playin'-peace-love-and-happiness tunes) Yep, that's what the last few weeks have felt like. I think I hit botton but the climb out has been unbelievable.

The last few weekends have been un-friggin-believable. This weekend my new favorite peeps - Kessans, Angel and Hannah - took me along with them to Christopher Creek. We hiked/canyoneered/rock climbed/swam/cliff jumped a little over 2 miles down this killer box canyon. As always, I almost didn't go because work was feeling so overwhelming and then I realized how stupid that was... when has work ever decided my life? Never.

And as always, it was an epic trip that I will never forget. I am so lucky to know these adventurous, independent women. Surrounding yourself with such strong women just makes you remember how strong you, yourself are. And that's what I needed. I needed to be reminded of who I am and what I love in this life. So, I jumped in to some canyons (okay, this IS me we're talking about, so it was only like 5' jumps), scaled down the side of some cliffs, sat on a cactus (thanks for pulling the needles out of my ass Hannah!) and in general, just had the time of my life.

Yep, I'm back folks. And, in the words of the immortal Beastie Boys - HEY LADIES... GET FUNKY!!!

Check out Kessans pics from Christopher Creek. (I didn't take any pics cuz I don't have a fancy waterproof camera).

Hannah's will be posted soon...