Sunday, June 14, 2009

It's All About Fuji

I’ve been sitting here for awhile, trying to think about what I should write about this week… do I just give you the standard recap of my oh-so-exciting weekend? Or maybe another pity party blog that borders on T.M.I.? Sometimes I think that the only reason why I blog is so that a few people will say “WOW, you have a great life!”

I have a friend who tells me that “It’s all about Fuji”… and maybe he’s right. Maybe the only reason I write this blog or take all these pictures is to let everyone know how great my life is. Acknowledge me! Pay attention to me! Someone tell me that I’m doing it okay! Holy childhood issues Batman…

If you know me at all, you know that I’m all over the place with my life. I never really stick to any decisions. I don’t set goals. In fact, I’m afraid to set goals. Why? Because I know I can’t commit to anything. I’m wishy-washy at best.

Last week I was watching the Ford Ironman Hawaii re-cap. At 10:30 pm, I was in tears, watching stories of these amazing athletes who have sacrificed so much to complete this one thing. They were digging deeper then you think is humanly possible. They pushed their minds and their bodies to edge and were so incredibly proud of themselves as they crossed the finish line. Family members, friends, strangers were all in tears as they hugged each other.

Do you know I actually told someone that they shouldn’t do an Ironman because of all the other things they could be missing out on for the year it took to train? How shitty of a friend am I?!?! Seriously – I said to not do something that is described by everyone who has done it as “the best day of my life”. Don’t see what your body and mind are capable of doing because you might miss out on something better. That’s the selfish part of me coming out again. I think I was more jealous that there would be less time to spend with me and more time to be spending doing something amazing for themselves. I am a bad friend.

Anyway, there I was, sitting on the couch, in tears for several reasons... Then I got to thinking about how easy things have always come to me and how I’ve never had to work hard at anything before in my life. I generally do well the first time I try something and everyone is impressed… but I never get better then average, because once things do get difficult I cut my losses and call it a day. See, if you never set a goal, you never have to worry about failing.

I think its time to change that. I guess if I’m going to set my first goals, I might as well go big and proclaim it on the World Wide Web. So, here it is -- October 25, 2009 is the SOMA Half Ironman. I’m doing it.

I know it’s only a half, but I’m not stupid either :-)