Sunday, June 28, 2009


Well, what do you know? I can add one more moment in my life where I can say I'm proud of myself... 13.1 miles in 2 hours 20 minutes. No, I didn't break any records or come close to the front of the pack, but Suda and I kicked that half marathon's ass.

There were definitely times when I wanted to walk... my legs were tired and there were A LOT of hills. But, every time I thought about walking, I had to remind myself that it was all mental. That if I was ever going to do a 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike and 13.1 run, I was going to have to learn to get mentally tough.

Suda was my rock. Without saying a word, she got me through the mental lulls and pulled me through some tough spots. She'd hold out a hand so I would run to her, she'd point out the grandma ahead of us... a lot of the little things.

I sang to Suda as we climbed this huge hill. And then we laughed - this is why she is so great. We smile and we take in the beauty that surrounds us and we let that energy carry us through. Because if you aren't having a little fun and taking in the world around you, what is the point?

And afterwards, as we were driving out to croquet on Sunday, I was telling Suda how lucky we are to be able to do something like this. We are athletic, we are athletes. We're all born with the bodies we were given and sometimes genetics is a bitch. I'm broad shouldered and big legged, with a big belly (I love my belly). But you know what - this body can do things that so many people can't. I can take a late hit from the most of vicious flankers over and over again, I can kick the shit out of a ball and make the opposition back three regret that they underestimated me, I will hit that tiny little gap you thought you could defend, I can swim a mile in 25 minutes, and I can run 13.1 miles without training.

Now, this whole "no training" business has kind of worked out for me so far... but imagine what I could do if I actually stuck to a schedule and allowed my body to get ready for these things. And that's what that whole goal-setting blog was all about. I'm still doing okay with training. 2 weeks into it and I missed Sunday... because I ran 2 1/2 hours on Saturday and decided that mimosa's and croquet sounded like a much better idea ;-). And today I just rode 800 miles on my motorcycle and so I'm going to blow off training... but that's the only time I'm going to make excuses for not sticking to the schedule.

In the words of the Great Eminem...

Cause sometimes you just feel tired.
You feel weak and when you feel weak you feel like you wanna just give up.
But you gotta search within you, you gotta find that inner strength
and just pull that shit out of you and get that motivation to not give up
and not be a quitter, no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face
and collapse.

Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out
Till my legs give out, cant shut my mouth.
Till the smoke clears out, am I high? perhaps...
Ima rip this shit till my bone collapse.

Training log for the last week:

Monday - biked 20 miles, swam 2000 meters with the Portland Tri Club. I started with the slow kids and after I was lapping everyone in my lane, I moved over the medium... FUN and challenging. I like swimming though, so I'm hoping to get a good head start over those damn fast runners come race day.

Tuesday - ran 4 miles, swam 1200 meters.

Wednesday - biked 20 miles

Thursday - ran 3 miles, swam 1000 meters.

Friday - rest day

Saturday - ran 13.1 miles in 2 hours 20 minutes.

Sunday - croquet and mimosas :)

Monday - 800 mile moto ride.

And pics from the Rockin' and Rollin' Weekend in Seattle (complete with Pool Party, Pikes Place Market and Sunday Croquet)