Sunday, January 31, 2010

No Thanks, I'm Good.

Today I had a good talk with a friend and the topic of boundaries came up. Establishing boundaries in your life and then sticking to them. Whether it be with drinking or friends or spending money or athletics, you should have some boundaries set so you stay on the right path. Because its really easy to get off the path when you just go at things all willy-nilly.

I'm not sure if I've ever set up REAL boundaries in my life, but the conversation helped me realize why I should. This girl is crazy enough, and boundaries might just keep me sane. Traditionally, I'm always the last to leave parties, order one too many cocktails, gain 5 too many pounds, hang on just a little too long. Its like I'm afraid I'm going to miss out on something (well, not so much on the gaining 5... 10... 15 lbs, but you get my point). But guess what? That "something" never happens.

I think some of this falls in the category of "Setting Goals", which I also suck at. I generally fall off any goal-setting-wagon about 2/3's of the way into things. How about the time I said I was going to do a 70.3? Wasn't that funny! Or the time I was going to stop drinking for a month? Evidentially, 23 days is now a month. And I NEVER walk away. I always try to walk away, but inevitably, I allow myself to get sucked in. Did you notice me try to retire from rugby? HA, that was a joke. Or when I thought it was a good idea to "just be friends"? Clearly, I could also use a lesson or two on why this never works.

So, back to the boundaries... its time to learn when to say enough, I've reached my limits and I'm good. I wonder if it will help me with over-thinking and over-analyzing of every situation? At this point, I'm ready to try anything. Set boundaries and goals and try, for once in my life, to stick to them. Now, if I could only get some people to respect my need for boundaries, I think I'll have things all figured out! Riiiiiiight.