Friday, November 27, 2009

Note to self...

I do believe its time for me to sit down and figure out what I REALLY want out my life. What is important to me? What is a deal breaker? What is an absolute must? Because, right now, I'm sort of shooting from the hip and going recklessly about certain aspects of my life. I need to refocus on what makes ME happy in life... then maybe I'll see if I can fit someone into it.

Its so funny how easy you can get caught up in a moment. Caught up in something you think is really good for you, something you think you want, something you think is right. Only to find out in the end, that it wasn't what you thought it was. I can do without the lies and disappointment. I know I sort of allowed myself to get sucked in to something I never really knew if I wanted or not. So, if its alright with you all, I'd like to call a mulligan on the last couple months.

Of course I shouldn't say I want a complete redo of the last 2 months because there was some positives that came out of this most recent experience. I learned that I am capable of trying something out that I thought in the past I would never do. I stopped pigeon-holing myself and I went outside of my own box (insert crude joke here)... And now I know that things can develop where you thought there was nothing. I discovered a very true and genuine friendship existed where I once thought it wasn't possible. And for that, I am especially thankful.

Last night I had a conversation with a good friend around the chimenea of truth and after lots of talk (and wine), I realized there are a few things that I know ALWAYS make me happy - good friends and whitty conversation, long bike rides along beautiful mountains, hiking remote trails to unbelievable water holes, road trips on my motorcycle, traveling the world and experiencing amazing things, rugby (yes, it still makes me incredibly happy) and my adorable nephews.

I think that's where I need to start. Never lose those sight of those things... because the moment I forget about those things, is the moment I lose sight of me. And next think you know, I'm looking for happiness from someone else -- I'm relying on another person to fulfill me. Stupid, right? Yeah, I know it is. So, this is where I start. Because in the end, I'm the only one who is going to make me happy.

So, here's my reminder of me doing the things I love and smiling the whole way through life...

Can you hang?!?!?