Monday, December 21, 2009

Two Thousand Nine Was Mighty Fine

2009 started for me in sunny AZ, while I was living in Portland... and is going to end with me in rainy Seattle, but living in AZ. I'll take that switch any day. I did, however, sleep through New Year's last year. This time around, I have a feeling its going to be significantly different. Wusse, Pie, Flowbee, P-Rye, Mongo, Venus and who knows what Axemen will all be ringing in the New Year together whilst sporting our best Swinging 20's outfits.

A little reflection on the past 12 months...

New Year's day was spent mountain biking down South Mountain... my first time back on a mountain bike since that ill-advised trip to Moab 10 years earlier. But, it got the fire going again and I have since dusted off the bike and gone a ton of fun adventures around Arizona. Thanks to Kessans and Hannah and Angel for taking me some kick ass trails, both hiking and biking. I am looking forward to many more adventures and hoodoo climbing and cactus needles in my ass and vegetable games and boxed wine by campfire and seeking out elusive water holes and blowing my quads trying to keep up with Kessans and well, you get the idea.

I didn't travel as much as I usually do, and that was a bit of a downer for me. I did, however, move 1500 miles though... I would consider that a significant event for '09. I had been planning to move either to AZ or San Diego and decided I would let the job gods determine where I ended up. Well, the God's decided that Arizona would be the place and I have been super happy with the move... I get to live with my LDBFF (even though I hardly get to see her) and I get to wear t-shirts in December! But, I feel San Diego calling my name and I'm thinking in a couple years, I may find myself surfing in the mornings before trekking off to continue the education of our youth.

But, that's not to say I didn't get out of the country. I was able to make my way to Mexico a few times... once on the back of that trusty BMW 1150GS, and twice to chase Dragonfire around the deserts of the Baja for the 500 and the 1000. It was enough to tide me over temporarily, but this girl needs a lot more truly satisfy that hunger. So, for 2010, I've already got a few trips planned to get my international juices flowing again (Hong Kong, Costa Rica and maybe even South America... as well as the usual trips to the Baja).

And, at least for a short time, I hung up the rugby boots. Okay, I still played in 3 1/2 games, but for the most part, I concentrated on coaching. It was awesome and good to know that WHEN I finally decide to retire FOR GOOD, coaching is going to be a great alternative for me. But, as many of you are aware, the pull to play is still a little too strong. So, with a little help, I'm going to give it one more shot before I end this run. Griffins in 2010? We'll see...

Oh yeah, lets not forget that I ran my first 13.1 miler in January, then again in June up in Seattle. Followed by my first triathlon in March and another in May.... Suda and I managed to take 1st/2nd in one and 2nd/3rd in the other. Not bad for two girls who have trouble training for these things :) I'm shooting for a Half Ironman in July, but I'm going to let rugby take priority this spring/summer and after that we'll see what this body has left in it.

And how can I forget the amazing Dirtys' Merkins? This is social old girls rugby at its finest! No Goals, No Aspirations, No Expectations... We Don't Warm Up, We Show Up (eventually). No words have rang more true, yet we are undefeated in 13 games and are still managing to show the youngsters how to do it. From Maggotfest to Wild West Fest, we'll be taking this shit show beyond the West to Saranac Lake... and how about a little Merkins in New Zealand for the 2011 World Cup? I like the sound of that.

Last, but certainly not least... this shout out goes the Wolf Pack. My trusty side kicks as we all try to survive the first year at the craziest high school you can imagine. But it goes beyond that... we are each other's rocks and with out them, I think I would have bought a ticket for the crazy train much sooner (yes, I'm still pretty sure there's a ticket with my name on it... its just at willcall).

So, there you go - 2009 WAS mighty fine! As for 2010 well, I'm going to make it a douchebag free year and I'm going to get back to ME. Yep, selfish old me :) Although, I would love for you all to come along for the ride!