Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Third Times a Charm...

Or is it "three strikes and you're out"...

As I mature (ahem), I consider myself to be more of a thinker these days... working smarter, not harder. You're supposed to get better with age, right? Like a fine wine just waiting to be uncorked and enjoyed. I'm learning from my mistakes but not being afraid to make more. You can't succeed unless you've failed a few times.

I've been fighting this for awhile now... wondering if I COULD do it. I know I have a lot to offer, I know that I am a worthy mate... but I didn't know if my mind and my body could handle the abuse. I don't like being hurt. I don't like dealing with the pain. BUT, if you're gonna do it, you just have to accept that these things are inevitable. And fighting through the pain is what makes the reward sooooo much better.

So, I decided last spring to come out of my third retirement. My third attempt at leaving the game I love was, yet again, an epic failure. I lasted 6 months this time (if you don't count the occasional b-side game and 7's matches)... my longest so far. But, much like other things in my life that I love with all my heart, I am finding it impossible to walk away.

And now, after 16 seasons, I'm back in the pack. Back playing with the big girls. Tackling girls twice my size... and running them over just as much. This doesn't bode well for my aging body. And it makes me wonder how long I'll be able to last if I'm in the thick of it 80 minutes a week. BUT, maybe I'll surprise myself. Maybe my body will love the opportunity to make big hit after big hit.

Its not like I'm gonna quit. I'm in this to win it. I'd love to end it on a high note... one more shot at a title. I don't want to look back and regret not abusing my body when I still had the opportunity. There's plenty of years left to coach, so for now, I play.

Old age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill. AMEN.