Monday, May 17, 2010

Summertime... and the livin's easy

Oh boy! Its getting to be that time of the year again - where I start counting down the days, the hours, the minutes til SCHOOL IS OUT. I think I'm worse than the kids. I tell ya though, after the school year I just had, I am definitely in need of a good month and a half off.

This summer, I've decided to stay in the states and check out some of my own backyard. I realize that there is so much here in the U.S. that I have never seen and its time to do something about it! My goal is to check off Grand Teton National Park and Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming and the Black Hills/Badland areas in South Dakota. I have about 5 weeks to get it all done AND spend a good chunk of time visiting my favorite person in North Dakota.

This time around, I will NOT be doing this trip over Christmas, and therefore I will NOT be having the mental breakdown like last time. So, Tita, no phonecalls from me, in tears, from some podunk bar in the middle of nowhere Death Valley :).

THIS TIME, it will be sunny and beautiful and I will not be missing Christmas with the family. And fingers crossed that I'll have a partner in crime when I go adventuring... but if I don't, I know I'll still have a great time making my own memories to lock away in the vault. Of course, pictures will follow so you can all pretend that you were with me :)