Saturday, September 19, 2009

Tempe Women v Nor Cal Triple Threat Match Report

Tempe women took their game on the road for the first time this season. Tempe started off very slow, taking a bit of time to adjust to the turf and the heat. Nor Cal took full advantage of the lethargic start and attacked straight up the middle of the field. Dynamic play by Nor Cal’s flanker and 8-man put Nor Cal on the board first at the 20 minute mark. Conversion was good and the score was 0-7. Tempe had yet to find the fire and Nor Cal was still hitting hard, within 10 minutes, Nor Cal was scoring again off a few missed tackles. Conversion no good, score 0-12. Tempe launched a few solid attacks but was not able to get the ball across in to the try zone. The halftime whistle blew and it was 0 – 12 Nor Cal.

Half time found a renewed fight in Tempe, but Nor Cal would not let up. At the 50 minute mark, Nor Cal put in another well executed try, conversion no good, score 0-17. Tempe finally started to find their groove and at the 55 minute mark, big pressure by the Tempe forwards created bad ball for the Nor Cal backs. Terri Wilson intercepted a pass and ran it in under the posts. Conversion was good and Tempe was finally on the board 7-17. With the swing in momentum, Tempe was on the attack and Nor Cal found themselves on their heals. 10 minutes later, Tempe forwards poached a ball, and spun it out to the backs. Flyhalf Toni Fujiwara put up a chip kick that had a generous bounce in to winger Alea Newman’s hands. Some evasive running and Alea was in the try zone. Conversion no good. Score 12-17.

Tempe continued the attack and brought the ball back down the field. Another half-break by Terri Wilson with a nice offload to Andrea Dunn into space. Nor Cal was able to get under the ball and the try was no good. 5 meter scrum to Tempe. A solid scrum by Tempe set up an 8-man pick by Kanisha Saunders who went weak. Winger Alli Underhill was in support and Kanisha offloaded to a crashing Alli who was able to put it down in the corner. Conversion no good. Score 17-17. As time was winding down, Tempe launched its final attack, bringing the ball to just outside the 22. Nor Cal came in from the side and it was penalty to Tempe. With no time on the clock, Christen Suda stepped up and coolly slotted the kick. The whistle was blown and the comeback was complete. Final Score Tempe 20 – Nor Cal 17.

Tries: Terri Wilson (55 min), Alea Newman (66 min), Alli Underhill (75 min)
Conversions: Christen Suda
Penalty Kicks: Christen Suda (80 min)

Heart of the Game: Terri Wilson
110 % Hammer: Chelsea McIntosh
Big Hit: Christen Suda (game winning kick with no time left)
Forward of the Game: Chelsea McIntosh
Back of the Game: Toni Fujiwara

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I Hope You Dance...

I dance. I love to dance. For as much as I dwell on the bad decisions I have made in my life and for as many blogs as I have written about wishing I had more, I still dance. I think I have focused too much lately on the down-side to being spontaneous. Yes, I eat too much and I buy things I can't afford and I fall in love with the wrong people... but look at all the amazing things its also allowed me to do. You see, that impulsive side has also led me on some of the most incredible adventures and experiences of my life.

The crazy thing is, I didn't used to be so "in-the-moment". I used to fill out my check book with every entry, down to the penny and have spreadsheets for every thing going on in my life. When I was younger, I was afraid to take those risks that lead to epic moments in our lives. I was afraid to step outside of the box and challenge the norm. I went along with the popular crowd and did what was expected of me. When you graduate from high school, you're supposed to go to college, then you finish college and your supposed to get a job, find a husband and get married. So, I did that. But I was just going through the motions. I didn't know what I actually wanted in life. I had no idea who I was.

I wish I knew when it changed, but somewhere along I wanted more out of my life. I can't tell you the defining moment that I went from anal to spontaneous, but regardless of when/where it happened, I think its always been in me. Unfortunately, in order to find myself, I hurt someone along the way. I never meant to leave, but I wasn't being true to myself. So, I had to do what was right for me. I wish I would have taken a closer look at myself when I was younger, then I could have seen that things weren't right for me, but that's all a part of living and growing up. With impulse comes a little selfishness. I know that about myself... and I'm definitely working on fixing that.

So now I take advantage of every opportunity that's presented to me. I go at things 100% and I try not to look back. For all the bad decisions I've made in my life, there have always been positives that came out of it. I think that's the one thing that has always been a steady about me -- I go at things 100%. I make the most out of shitty situations. I see the bright side to things and I laugh things off.

And now look at where I am now - I am living in Arizona, single, coaching (not playing) rugby, making some amazing new friends who take me on some badass adventures, and I'm the happiest I have been in YEARS. I've weeded out people in my life who are not good for me and found the ones that really matter the most. I'm not afraid to make a fool out of myself (clearly). And everday, I dance.

I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance,
Never settle for the path of least resistance
Livin' might mean takin' chances but they're worth takin',
Lovin' might be a mistake but it's worth makin',
Don't let some hell bent heart leave you bitter,
When you come close to sellin' out reconsider,
Give the heavens above more than just a passing glance,
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Stop the Sucking.

I'm getting sucked back in... As time passes on, its been so easy to just think about the good things. I am a positive person by nature.... which means I forget about all the negative. My mind likes to wander back to only the happy times -- that rush, the laughter, the excitement, the butterflies in my stomach (damn, I love those butterflies).

I tend to forget about how bad it hurt and how long the pain would linger. And the days it would take me to recover. Yet, despite all these things, I still find myself getting lulled back into the comfort of old habits.

I have had a few conversations with people close to me and I get conflicting advice. Some say to give it one more chance and that maybe it'll be different. Others say to be done and that it will never be the way it was before. The problem is, I have to tried to walk away...but I am in love. For all the pain it has caused me... it has created even more happiness in my life.

What is it about this one thing that makes it so hard to walk away? I have walked away from so many other things in my life. Yet this one thing keeps sucking me back in. If you've been around me, you might have noticed that this question has been eating me up for a while now --do I just walk away? Or, do I give it one more chance?

This last week was the hardest - it was all right there in front of me. All of the reasons I've thought about giving it one more chance. I had the butterflies and the nervousness of not knowing... But then there was that voice inside my head saying "of course it feels good now... but how's it going to feel next week, when you're hurt again?"

You see, I am a life long athlete. I've been playing competitive sports since I was 4 years old. I went through the standard growths that most average athletes go through (Freshman, JV to Varsity). But I was never a standout. No one really noticed me. I was average for so much of my life...

Until I found rugby.

And just like that, it clicked. And after a couple years, I was getting noticed. For the first time in my life, I was excelling and I was the one people pointed out. Fast forward 15 years and I still want in on the action. Sure, I'm not quite as fast, but my pass is still one of the best, I can still kick the shit out of the ball and I can put anyone in to a gap.

And so much of who I am today, is because of rugby. The women I played with have been a huge inspiration in my life. Rugby has taken me around the world from Spain to New Zealand to Hong Kong. Most of my closest and dearest friends I found through rugby. I didn't realized how much I loved this game and the people involved in it... until I tried to leave it.

But yet, I'm also finding out that I'm a pretty good coach. Its a lot like teaching, so of course I'd enjoy it. Its not the same as putting your boots on before, Eminem pumping in to earbuds, standing on the line just before kick off, and then everything going silent as the ball flies through the air... but there's still the excitement, the "I think I'm going to throw up" nerves, the adrenaline rush. Its just focused on other people and I'm no longer the one calling the shots at kick off.

So, I guess in the end, I just have to ask myself what my motivations are? As an old teammate put it -- do I "avoid the Favre"... retire gracefully, so people remember the good and not the bad or do I feed my stupid ego and give it one more shot?

I gots a lot to think about...