Monday, September 20, 2010

Times like these

OH, how I love the Northwest!! If ever there was a time when I needed to get out of AZ, get out of my head and just let lose, this was it. Okay, so maybe we got our asses handed to us in rugby, but the rest of the weekend was pretty damn awesome.

When your weekend starts off with a stylin, bright red, 4 door HHR, you know it's gonna be a good one. Although, we will still have to complain about the single cupholder in the back (sorry Macko!). Now, ending the weekend with missing car keys kind of sucked, but I did find them buried DEEP in the bottom of my bag, only after resorting to the hide-a-key first.

So, real fast, a quick recap of the game... we were down 0-7 at halftime against the 4th best team in the Nation. I should stop there, because that makes it sound like it wasn't too bad. BUT, we killed ourselves and let those damn Breakers score way too many points in the 2nd half. Final score... ugh... 33-0. Yeah, like I said, we got our asses handed to us.

But, I heart my rugby girls and my Seattle peeps. Big love to SherriPie for making the drive up from Portland to hang out a little. Big love to AmyWusse for her hospitality and all around greatness. Big love to Mongo for coming ALL THE WAY over to the westside to party with us and then drive me ALL THE WAY back to the eastside so we could party even more with ETP and Flowbee. Ending the weekend with Sunday football and bloody beers and sunsets at the beach was a perfectly lazy way to cap it off.

I am sad that I missed the big ORSU game in Portland on Sunday, and that I missed the new jersey honoring our beloved Babb... but, a 41-0 victory over the Valkyries tells me that OTD is back and playing their hearts out for Lindsay. GO JESTERS!

Every time I head up to Seattle it comes at a perfect moment in my life. A time when I need to be surrounded by my closest friends and bestest buddies. A time when I just need to laugh (a lot) and be reminded that life is fucking good.

Great people, great energy and great times. Thanks Seattle :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

It Starts Here.

I used to be a pretty happy go lucky kid. I used to laugh ALL the time, smile for no reason and make those around me laugh too. I was confident in who I was and didn't doubt my path. But recently, I've felt that slipping away from me. And I realized that the more I encounter deceitful people, the more the wind has been taken out of my sail.

I hate - emphasize HATE - being let down. Disappointment eats at my very core. And the worst disappointment, is when you truly believe, with every ounce of your being, that someone is a good person. You give them every benefit of the doubt, defend them to all the nay-sayers, and trust that they have only good intentions. And being a semi-untrusting person to begin with, makes all this even harder because I'm not one to let a whole lot of people in.

So, before its too late, I need to figure out how to turn this around! I have always been a big believer in the power of positive vibes. That if you think good thoughts, good things WILL happen. And I know that lately I've let myself get sidetracked by a lot of negative thoughts. Its so easy to get sucked into someone else's world and forget what makes YOU truly happy.

I think after major let downs in my life, I need to remind myself of all the great things I enjoy most. So, its back to ME (again). Back to reminding myself of all the things that make me really, really happy... like adventuring outdoors (well, once this damn triple digits weather goes away), and playing rugby with awesome peeps (old age and treachery baby!), and teaching my students every day how to be better people (along with some history and econ too), and going home to see my family (miss you guys!) and traveling (time to get out of the country again).

So, I'm sorry if I'm starting to sound like a broken record, but its so easy to forget these things when you let yourself get stuck in a moment. I hope the next blog is about my next big adventure... Baja 1000? Motorcycle trip to anywhere? SCUBA in Yelapa? Hiking Machu Pichu? RWC in New Zealand? Sure, why not!

Quotes for the day (courtesy of Rob & Big):

"I love it every time someone gets their heart full. "

Just Me...