Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Everything is gonna be okay

"Don't cry because its over... Smile because it happened."

Simple, right?

I love Dr. Suess. Always have. I remember reading "Oh, the Places You'll Go", and realizing as an adult that this would be my mantra in life. But my favorite Dr. Suessism, is that quote... Right now, thems be some powerful words for me.

I think its easy for people (and by "people", I mean "me") to immediately throw a pity party when things don't work out the way you'd hoped. To go to that dark place and start thinking about all the things you should have said, or the things you could have done... but this time, I'm gonna go a different route. This time, I think so many positives came out of the all too familiar ending, that I can't look too hard on the negatives.

I've come to accept certain inevitabilities in life... and the more you come to terms with these things, the easier they are to deal with. I've said it many times before but I'll say it again... there is nothing wrong with putting yourself out and falling in love, even if it the feeling isn't returned. To know that you are capable of loving someone unconditionally and that even when things go really bad you can still find the good is a very powerful feeling.

So, rather then dwell, I'm thankful for the experience. Thankful that I've come one step closer to truly being happy with me. I wouldn't trade the feelings I felt this last few months for anything. To know what its like to feel safe and protected, to get butterflies from just a look, to be in comforting arms... no matter how fleeting the moment... those are the things I will cherish from this experience.

Life is what you make it and I plan on making the most out of it :)