Monday, June 14, 2010

Back where I belong :)

Here's how life works out...

As the school year was winding down and I was making my plans to get out of AZ for a few weeks, I realized I had to take that STUPID Arizona endorsement test to prove I could teach math (except, I already did that 5 years ago, in Oregon... yet AZ doesn't seem to think that's good enough). And another test to prove that I had the "professional knowledge" to teach (even though I have my Masters in Teaching and also passed Oregon's version of it 5 years ago). So, I had to push back my summer adventuring by a week. You have no idea how annoyed I was with this. I bitched and I moaned about having to stay another week in the 110 degree weather. Stupid AEPA.

But then, my favorite person was looking like they could come along with me on my road trip... so, I pushed back my plans by another couple weeks. This time, not annoyed, but super excited about having him along with me to share in the adventures together.

And in the time that I pushed back my plans, I took a little looksy on the Gilbert Public Schools website (after a tip that they were hiring). What I found was a ton of job openings... for math. Which, at this point, I had conceded to teaching indefinitely. So, I applied for about 15 math openings.

Then, I took a closer look at the Gilbert Learning Center... which isn't listed in the high schools. Its the alternative school for those who haven't been as successful in the main stream school system. Low and behold, what did I find? Yep, a World History opening. But, the job was closing at the end of the day. So I scrambled to fill out the application and probably made 100 mistakes along the way.

BUT, they called me back! And last Wednesday I had an interview. Wouldn't you know it, it was also the day I had to take my car into the shop, so my only mode of transportation was my motorcycle. Need I remind you that it was 110 degrees... well, I guess it was only 98 at the time of my interview, at 7 o'clock in the morning. But it was enough that with my black helment, I was soaked in sweat by the time I arrived for the interview. Um, not hot. But I guess my interview was off the hook because they loved me! And instead of waiting until Wednesday to tell me I got the job, they called me today to offer me the position...

And now you know what can SUCK IT?!?!? MATH. You know why? Because I am the new World History (and economics. eek.) teacher at Canyon Valley School in Gilbert, AZ (a mere 12 miles from my house). WOOHOO!!

So, fate, you got me again! If I had left when I originally planned, I would have never gotten the tip, never filled out the application, never gotten the interview... and would still be teaching math at Poston Butte way out in the boonies. Instead, I get 3 more weeks of summer break, I get to road trip with my man (and my dog :) and I'm back teaching where I belong.