Thursday, April 22, 2010

That which does not kill you...

Life can change on you pretty quickly... one minute you're on cloud nine, the next, you're getting shoved off by a hard dose of reality. It gives as quickly as it takes. We're supposed to be made stronger by our experiences and grow from them. But sometimes its really hard to see the light at the end of every tunnel.

Like most people I know, I have endured my fair share of heartaches and losses and broken dreams... but I know that a lot of it has to do with my own faults. I tend to build things up in my head, forgetting to let key players in on my grand plans. Only to be disappointed when reality doesn't live up to the fairy tale I've created. I am a dreamer and I often get caught up in the moment... wanting to take the fast track because I'm too excited about the possibilities of what could be. I like being a dreamer and I can accept the fact that things work out the way they do in my life because of that.

But what I'm struggling with is when good people are taken away from good people. You know the people I'm talking about. The ones that are always there for their family and friends. The ones that smile all the time and hug you whenever you need it. The ones that always have the positive outlook on life and do good for all those around them.

Why can't life just leave them alone and let their dreams come true? Why can't it just let them be blissfully happy with life? For once, just let the good guys win. Its like life needs to be constantly reminding us that it could all be taken away from you in a split second. But it seems like those that get reminded the most are the ones that truly already understand how precious life is and they DO live their lives as if today could be their last. They aren't afraid to take a few risks... because they understand the rewards could be so great. So why not just let them be?

I get it though... life isn't fair. So stop asking these questions because they're never going to be answered. Just be prepared for them and do what you can to make the best out of the situation.